Messages from the Book of Mark
Messages from the book of Mark
Mark 11:1-11, 15-18 2020
The King Arrives to Examine His Kingdom: When Jesus is about to move, he examines his temple. Part of what is going on now, is that Jesus is examining his temple, his people. Are we able to pass his test?
Mark 16:15-20
Kingdom Faith: As the action gospel of Mark concludes, the Holy Spirit included a list of activities we can expect to see in Christian groups that are walking in faith. This is a great list for us to do a self-check on the state of our faith and expectation.
Mark 16:1-14
Resurrection Responsibilities in the Kingdom: Because of the resurrection from the dead, we have many promises, and many responsibilities. The Lord hasn't called us to simply receive his grace, he has called us to respond to it. That is our responsibility. We must lift our heads above the grief and pain that can come with life, and live our faith.
Mark 15:33-47
Fulfilling the Kingdom Plan III: Jesus was the Lamb sacrificed from the foundation of the world. As we watch that sacrifice carried out, we must marvel at his determination, and recognize our own role in creating the need for his sacrifice.
Mark 15:16-32
Fulfilling the Kingdom Plan II: Jesus was the Lamb sacrificed from the foundation of the world. As we watch that sacrifice carried out, we must marvel at his determination, and recognize our own role in creating the need for his sacrifice.
Mark 15:1-15
Fulfilling the Kingdom Plan: Jesus was the Lamb sacrificed from the foundation of the world. As we watch that sacrifice carried out, we must marvel at his determination, and recognize our own role in creating the need for his sacrifice.
Mark 14:66-72
When Kingdom People Fall: When we examine Peter's fall, we understand human frailty better. We also understand the Lord's mercy in this entire process, and how he restores fallen people.
Mark 14:43-65
When the Kingdom of Darkness Reigns: This message highlights how easily the Kingdom of Darkness can masquerade as righteousness, and how easily we can slip into its grip. It will fortify you to walk righteously when darkness reigns.
Mark 14:27-42
Prayer: The Power of the Kingdom - Jesus instructed his disciples to "be alert and pray." He wasn't giving them casual advice, but a message about how they would survive the onslaught of the coming hours. Prayer is still our main tool to survive every pressure that we face.
Mark 14:12-26
Kingdom Preparations: The time of Jesus' sacrifice was approaching. He had much yet to prepare, including the hearts of his disciples. This message will help prepare your hearts to avoid offense, and trust the Lord's purposes in your life.
Mark 14:1-11
Kingdom Extravagance Versus Greed: Greed is one of the most basic issues of the human heart. When someone's heart is truly touched by the Lord, Greed begins to lose its grip. This message highlights that important principle of the Kingdom.
Mark 13:24-37
Kingdom Transitions II: As one age was coming to an end, Jesus warned his disciples of what they can expect as they transition to the new age. We can learn a great deal about our current transitions by learning from Jesus' words.
Mark 13:1-23
Kingdom Transitions: As one age was coming to an end, Jesus warned his disciples of what they can expect as they transition to the new age. We can learn a great deal about our current transitions by learning from Jesus' words.
Mark 12:38-44
Discerning Authentic Kingdom Spirit: There are many pretenders in the Kingdom of God. Jesus highlights some of the ways you can spot them. Then he shows us an important example of the heart of the Kingdom in action.
Mark 12:28-37
Kingdom Tests II: Those who wish to do great things for God will be tested. They will be tested by their own ambition, their own frailties, and on occasion, by those who do not wish them well. Jesus shows us that the wisdom that comes from above is able to pass such tests, and more than that, is able to ask some tough questions of its own.
Mark 12:14-27
Kingdom Tests: Those who wish to do great things for God will be tested. They will be tested by their own ambition, their own frailties, and on occasion, by those who do not wish them well. Jesus shows us that the wisdom that comes from above is able to pass such tests.
Mark 11:27-12:13
False Leadership and the Kingdom: Leadership in God's Kingdom is a high calling. However, many leaders forget that fact, and use manipulation to achieve their ends rather than God's grace. Jesus confronts such leaders, and tells a story that highlights the patience of God, while at the same time emphasizing God's ultimate judgment on such leaders.
Mark 11:12-14, 19-26
Growing in Kingdom Faith and Power: At the beginning of his Passion week, Jesus takes the time to challenge the disciples to believe for the impossible. He shares the requirements for answered prayer, and relational life in God's Kingdom.
Mark 11:1-11, 15-18
The King Approaches His Kingdom: As Jesus approaches his destiny, he teaches his disciples how to walk in higher levels of faith and authority in his Kingdom. He also helps us grow in our understanding of risk taking faith.
Mark 10:46-52
Developing Persistent Faith for the Kingdom: When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth? If people like Bartimaeus are still here, then the answer is, "Yes!" Learn why persistence is a key indicator of Kingdom faith, and how to walk in it.
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