Messages from the book of Luke

Messages from the Book of Luke
When the First Light of Dawn Appears: When John the Baptist is born, Zechariah outlines Jesus, and John's future role. In so doing, he reminds us of our job description, and what we can look forward to in the days ahead.
God Exalts the Humble: When Mary and Elizabeth respond to what God has done in their lives, they sing songs that emphasize God's pleasure in exalting those who do not have high status. This message reminds us that God will use us in spite of our station in life, as long as we are willing to become what God desires.
When God Invades Our Space: While we tend to romanticize those times God has made his presence known in our time and space, this story of the angel's announcement of the birth of Messiah to Mary, is far from romantic. It encapsulates the human element at its core. This message will remind you the gritty nature of things when God invades our space.
Removing the Disgrace: We can forget that God often allows his choice servants to grow into their calling while bearing disgrace. Abraham, Joseph, Hannah, and Moses, all endured disgrace as they were prepared for their calling. At a certain point, God removes the disgrace.
The Light Begins to Shine: Joseph and Mary knew Jesus was Messiah, but they knew very little beyond that. The Father used two elderly saints who began to reveal Jesus' mission and purpose. They also remind us that we are never to old for significant purpose in God's Kingdom.
Reality for Disciple: The Beatitudes, as recorded by Matthew, were sayings of Jesus aimed at a general audience. Luke's abbreviated version was directed firmly at the newly called disciples of Jesus so that they would understand the realities of their calling. Jesus reminds us of the cost of discipleship in these verses.
Building a Hedge of Protection Around You: Disasters happen. Accidents and apparently random difficulties occur. Jesus reveals a way to walk in increased protection as we sojourn in this fallen world.
Building on Repentance 2: According to Hebrews 6, repentance is a foundation doctrine. This study will help us examine our foundation so that it can bear the weight of the outpouring of God's grace.
Believing the Big Things: This study of Zechariah and Mary's response to Gabriel's announcements remind us that it is easy to stop believing for big things as we grow old with Christ. We must still believe the big things.
The Messengers are Prepared: When Messiah was about to make an appearance, God trained messengers to prepare Messiah's way. He is doing the same thing today. Are you allowing God to train you?
Jesus Primer on Prayer: Jesus answers the disciples request, "Lord, teach us to pray," with a primer on prayer that helps us understand the keys to answered prayer.
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