Topical Messages
Guest Speaker (Chris Reed)
The Fellowship of Burning Hearts: Chris Reed shares about the burning hearts that fill the people of God as revelation is released. God is looking for those who hearts are burning with love for him.
Luke 4:18, God's Timing
The Luke 4:18 Mandate: God has given us a Luke 4:18 mandate for an Ephesians 4:18 world with a Daniel 4:18 anointing. Learn more about this important mandate for our times.
Faith for the Storms: Selected Scriptures
Faith for the Storms in Life: We have been called to live in faith. How do we know if we are living in faith? Jesus made certain his disciples understood what great faith, little faith, and regular faith looked like. Because of this, we can do a faith check-up, and find out how we are doing.
Various Scriptures
What's Killing God's People Part 2: Although this title sounds a bit odd, it is true that the Bible teaches that we can harm ourselves by our choices. In part 1 of this message, we discussed harmful lifestyle choices that harm our health. In this message, we look at how relational isolation and legalistic tendencies can harm us. (Please note that part one is available on our podcast only).
Growing In Kingdom Authority
Growing in Kingdom Authority: In order to know where we are going, it is important to know from whence we have come. In this message, Randal reviews the congregation's calling to pray against storms, and shares what the Lord spoke about Hurricane Irma even before it formed.
Living in God's Supernatural Economic Reality
Living in Supernatural Economic Reality: To live "supernaturally" is to live above the natural. By faith, Christians attempt to live above the natural everyday. God's plan for living above the cycles of plenty and want in natural economic cycles is outlined in this message.
Nation & Kingdom
Living in the Kingdom While Living in a Nation: How does a Kingdom Christian live as a citizen of a secular nation? This study highlights how Salt and Light Christians impact a nation eternally.
Church & Kingdom
When Church Manifests Kingdom: There is a major difference between the Church and the Kingdom of God. You can be a part of the Church and never walk in the Kingdom. Jesus clearly taught that members of his Church must seek the Kingdom first. This message reminds us how.
Financial Grace
Living in a Supernatural Economy: God's Word is clear about how to live above the vagaries of the world's economies, yet most people do not live in God's "above the natural" economy. This study will give you the tools you need to do so.
Gaining Financial Freedom Part 2
There is a way that seems right to man, but in the end it is disastrous. Randy points out the Bible's clear teachings on how to gain financial freedom, and still walk in the plan and purposes of God.
Gaining Financial Freedom
There is a way that seems right to man, but in the end it is disastrous. Randy points out the Bible's clear teachings on how to gain financial freedom, and still walk in the plan and purposes of God.
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